A Week in the Life: August 1, 2021
The main news of the week is that I had my follow-up with the optometrist. Their assessment showed that, yes, I do have binocular vision dysfunction, plus speci...
The main news of the week is that I had my follow-up with the optometrist. Their assessment showed that, yes, I do have binocular vision dysfunction, plus speci...
This week was tiring. Now that I’ve got a name and a reason for my eye/headache/dizziness troubles (binocular vision dysfunction, if you missed it previou...
The last few weeks have been hot and things have been hectic between taking care of this ridiculous kitten, starting a job search, and dealing with my corporeal...
I don’t want to insult kid-owners by saying that having a kitten is the same as having a small child, but I am feeling some extra empathy for my friends w...
Yesterday I finally got a Slurpee (pina coloada flavor, obviously). I was hot on my way home from ballet class and stopped at 7-11 to get one. There were many t...
This week was almost entirely uneventful. I didn’t cook anything interesting (in part because it was hot) and there hasn’t been a lot going on. I di...